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5 Things Your TV Salesperson Won’t Tell You

television shopping

If you’re buying a new television, you might visit store after store and speak with multiple salespeople to get their professional opinion on high-quality options. Even if you do a little research beforehand, you might have questions and concerns. But while TV salespeople are excellent for addressing these concerns and helping you find a TV based on your needs, don’t expect them to spill all the beans.

Not to say they won’t have your best interest in mind, but at the end of the day, they’re trying to make a sale and earn money, so they might not divulge everything you need to know. Just in case, here’s a look at five things your TV salesperson probably won’t tell you.

1. Skip Black Friday sales.

Many retail giants advertise big electronic sales on Black Friday, including sales on television sets. For many consumers, Black Friday is the only time they’ll shop for a TV. But while deals on this day can save you money, this isn’t the best time to purchase a television set.

To find the best prices, you’ll need to shop earlier in the year during September, or postpone the purchase until January. This is usually when new TV models roll onto the floor. In an effort to unload old inventory, many TV electronic stores reduce their prices to entice buyers. Of course, if you don’t want to wait until September or January, Black Friday is certainly the third best day of the year to purchase a TV.

2. You might need a sound bar.

Television sets on display at retail stores are usually connected to a sound system so customers can hear and feel the sound quality. Some customers, however, assume that the sound they hear in the store will be the same sound they hear at home. This isn’t always the case, and what TV salespeople don’t tell customers is that they’ll need to purchase a sound bar or a sound system to enjoy a similar sound.

If you’re thinking about buying a new TV and you don’t have existing sound equipment, consider a bundled purchase and spring for a sound system too. This creates the best viewing experience for movie and sports.

3. Up-selling is how they (or the store) make money.

Some electronic stores allow their salespeople to earn commission, so expect a little up-selling before you walk out the door. The salesperson might recommend a particular sound bar or an expensive HDMI cable, and you might be offered an extended warranty at checkout.

This is all designed to get more of your money because there’s a slim profit margin on TVs. As a rule of thumb, don’t fall for the up-sell unless you absolutely need a particular item. And if you do need an item, keep in mind that the salesperson will likely recommend an expensive alternative. Sometimes, you can find a cheaper version of the same item within the store or elsewhere.

4. TVs don’t last forever.

Another thing your salesperson won’t tell you is that many modern day TVs don’t have a long life. In fact, you’ll be lucky to get five to 10 years out of the television. TV salespeople won’t share this information because it could sway some customers from purchasing a more expensive television. If customers learn of a TV’s short lifespan, they might skip on an expensive purchase and go with a less expensive model.

5. Buy an open box.

To save on a purchase, ask about refurbished televisions or opened box TVs of the model you’re considering. A salesperson might not mention this option because these televisions are usually sold at a lower price. When salespeople earn commission, they want to make as much money as possible, and this comes from selling customers a new, unopened television.


TV salespeople are certainly helpful and can answer your questions and make recommendations. But you should take their recommendations with a grain of salt. They’re here to make money, so they’re not going to share all their insider secrets.



Posted on Thursday, December 14th, 2017