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When it comes to watching your favorite shows, there’s no right or wrong way to do it. Some people prefer streaming for its ease and affordability, while others prefer cable for its more customizable packages and availability. But if you fall somewhere in the middle, how do you choose the option that’s right for you? Most people will agree that cable—even basic cable—can be pretty expensive. Streaming, on the other hand, has come a long way in terms of quality and selection, leading a lot of people to cut the cable cord in exchange for something better. If you can’t decide between streaming or cable, here are three factors to take into consideration. 1. How important is your budget? When you compare the cost of cable verses streaming, streaming wins each and every time. For many, this is the deciding factor – cheaper is better, if quality is up to par. The price of cable packages has skyrocketed over the past few decades, with monthly bills ranging from $100 to $200 in certain areas. Basic cable is slightly cheaper, but… Read more

Streaming has changed the way we watch TV. If you've yet to experience the convenience and flexibility of being able to stream the exact programs you want on your time, you're missing out. But – I get it. In all fairness, cable TV has its benefits, too. It offers a variety of channels, perfect for zoning out and channel surfing without much thought or effort. Netflix doesn’t have as many options, but there are tons of other reasons to absolutely love Netflix. By now, you shouldn’t need much convincing, but here goes 1. Netflix is super affordable. There’s nothing cheap about cable. Even if you choose a basic cable package, you can spend anywhere from $50 to $60 a month, and only watch a handful of channels in your package. It doesn’t make sense to pay so much for a service you don’t fully utilize. On the other hand, you get a lot more use out of Netflix. It’s perfect if you love movies, documentaries, original series, comedy specials and more. It’s also perfect if you’re fed up with spending… Read more

Television gives you access to news, sports, weather and entertainment. But if you don't want to waste your hard-earned money on cable, you might choose broadcast television over a costlier TV service. Broadcast television is free and perfect if you’re budget-conscious, but it might not offer a colorful selection of entertainment for your family. If you want more variety, signing up for a TV service is your best bet. Whether you prefer cable or streaming, here are four reasons why you might be better off signing up for monthly TV service. 1. Access to More Channels Broadcast television has come a long way over the decades. Years ago, if you didn’t have cable, you’d be lucky to have five channels to watch. With the availability of more broadcast stations, it’s now possible to access up to 15 or 20 free stations including NBC, CBS, PBS, the CW and more. But even with additional networks added to the lineup, broadcast still doesn’t offer as wide a variety of channels as you’d get with a TV service. TV service providers have something… Read more