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Between work, caring for your family and taking care of a home, you might have little time for TV during the day. So what if your favorite nightly routine includes curling up in the bed with the remote before you shut your eyes! Relax any way you can and enjoy those few minutes before you drift off. But - wait a second. If you’re a night owl and your partner is an early bird, watching TV in bed can create problems. The good news is you don’t have to leave the room to enjoy a little TV time! Want to keep late night TV on without disrupting your significant other? No worries! We've got a few strategies you can use to keep the tube on without bothering your partner. 1. Dim the TV brightness. Maybe it’s not the sound of the TV that disturbs your partner, but the brightness coming from the TV screen. Even with their eyes closed, they might detect light, which can make it harder for them to sleep. To strike a compromise, agree to dim the brightness… Read more

Nearly 125 million people in the United States watch satellite TV on a daily basis. According to Leichtman Research Group, satellite TV services took on as many as 190,000 subscribers in 2016 , a sharp contrast to the 450,000 subscriber loss in 2015. This reflects a changing attitude among TV viewers and a corresponding response by satellite providers. Local Provider Responds to Common Gripe In Denver, the local Douglas County satellite TV provider was recently knocked on its heels by a huge quarterly loss. To increase demand and give move subscribers a choice of what they really wanted to watch, they introduced the Flex Plan. It offers 50 popular channels like Food Network, CNN and USA without forcing local network and other “junk” programming down the throats of fed-up consumers. Subscribers see what they want for less than $30 a month. Those who fancy local networks, children’s programs and sports packs can add them for an extra cost. Subscribers can cancel or add packs without paying a fee. The Flex Plan idea isn’t entirely a pick-and-choose affair, but it does give consumers… Read more

Even though you enjoy having a television in the home, you might have a problem with the screen clashing with your decor. You spent a lot of time, energy and money designing your home and you might quickly realize that, as much as you love it, your television doesn’t match your vision. Getting rid of the TV altogether might not be an option. So rather than have this eyesore take up too much space, here’s how you can disguise your television and enjoy the best of both worlds. 1. Buy a decorative cabinet. Measure your television and then shop for a decorative cabinet that’s large enough to hold the television. Look specifically for cabinets with doors that either slide or open. The cabinet can be the focal point of the room and another decor piece. When you are ready to watch television, simply open the cabinet doors and enjoy some entertainment. The good thing about a cabinet is that it can complement any room of your house, such as the living room, the family room and even your bedroom. 2.… Read more

Many children will ask for a TV in their bedroom as they become older and more independent. On one hand, putting a TV in your child’s room can alleviate arguments over the remote control. You can watch what you want and they can watch what they want. It also gives your child a sense of responsibility - when they're old enough, they can decide what to watch and for how long. Despite these benefits, there are also valid reasons not to put a TV in your child’s room. The trick is finding the right balance. If you're not sure whether your child would benefit from having a television in their room, here are a few tips to help you decide whether this is a good idea for your family. 1. You can’t always monitor what they’re watching. Putting a TV in your child’s room can make it much harder to monitor what they’re watching, especially if their bedroom isn’t near your bedroom or if it’s away from the living area. When children are alone in their rooms, they can easily… Read more

Television has come a long way since the days of 13 channels presented in boxed CRTs in living rooms across the country. Even in the last decade, TV has morphed from a provider-driven to a consumer-driven enterprise. The big disrupter has been the internet. With the rise of virtually unlimited access to programming, the web has turned programming and they way it’s viewed inside out. Broadcasters and operators have come to the realization (finally) that content is king--but so is the how and when of presentation. Consumers Deciding What, When & Where Thanks to the internet, consumers can now decide not only what to watch, but when and where to watch it. The web is now awash in content, delivered to iPads, iPhones, laptops and to 3D virtual mobile theater headphones like the Moon. Never before has there been such a plethora of choices for entertainment untethered by time and place. Consumers are now free to watch sports, drama, news and a virtual cornucopia of YouTube videos. Popular TV dramas, once interrupted by week-long waits and a barrage of commercials… Read more